Difficult Boss

I had a co-worker or rather I should say he was like a boss. We were a team of 15 members lead by a Team Lead and a Manager. The manager was an intimidating guy but the 2nd in command (Team Lead) was actually a very timid sort of person. He acheived something which he never thought he was capable of (in his own words). Maybe that was the reason or something else, he tried everything to become something which he was not. He tried to be persuasive, strict and everything to project himself as a leader. Needless to say, it never worked, instead his standing in the team declining to level even lower even before he became the Team Lead.

He made enemies of his friends. Even one of his oldest friends turned against him. The irony in the situation is that he didn't get along with the Manager (the intimidating sort of guy who was moderately respected). There came a point when he was equally disliked by both the Manager and his team mates. Some of my co-workers took the opportunity and made him realize that he was wrong. They made comments that cannot be taken back, though at that point in time they seemed justified. I was one of those.

Years passed and that same guy gradually realized that he is not a born/natural leader. He tried to become something he never was and made some mistakes. He never took up any positon of authority again and actually became a very likable person. But here is a catch. All those guys who behaved extremely including me never got to realy be his friends again. Those guys who also suffered with us and kept their taunting remarks in check forgot everything and started socializing with him like never happened.

Now, the point I am trying to make is that we have a right to raise a voice when we are bashed, but we should not get carried away. I really don't miss not being his friend but the fact is he was also a victim, maybe he got what he deserved or more than that and that too without our extreme behaviour.
He got what he deserved but me and the other guys also got labelled. Othe people also showed resentment on his abusive behaviour but kept their outbursts in check.
You should always make a point but always think while doing so don't get labelled yourself.


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